Thursday, February 19, 2009

Advanced notice:

The book I am Reading is the Race Card by Richard Thompson Ford. This book is in no way racist, and does not necessarily represent my view (although it does a lot). Ford is a black man so the book can't be racist. My blog for this quarter is made up of facts, not discrimination. Not a racist, thank you for your time.

1 comment:

Alex said...

I disagree with your comment, "Ford is a black man so the book can't be racist." Just because a person is a nonwhite, doesn't mean that they aren't in any way racist. I'm reading Delta Blues right now, by Ted Gioia, it talks about African American blues performers who left their black friends and acquaintances after they became successful, and started only associating themselves with white people. This is an example of black people having racial preference, which is akin to being racist.